Herts Therapy
Uma Mays
(Psychotherapist & Supervisor
MBACP Accred)

Information for New Clients
Welcome to Herts Therapy’s Open-Ended Counselling Service. You may have some of questions about your counselling. It is always best to talk things through with the counsellor but here are some of the questions that you may find helpful before and during your counselling.
Q. How many sessions will I have?
A. You may stay in counselling for as long as you wish or need to.
Q. How long are the sessions?
A. Sessions last for 50 minutes and are held at the same day and time each week. The regularity of sessions is central to the counselling process.
Q. What if I work a shift pattern and can’t come once a week?
A. You can discuss this with the counsellor and we can come to an arrangement that works for you.
Q. How do I end my counselling?
A. While not all endings can be planned for, ideally it is best to work towards an ending over a number of weeks depending on the length of time you have been in counselling. This is something you will consider and agree with your counsellor. A minimum of two weeks is recommended as its important to end counselling having had time to consider what has been achieved, what has not been explored and thoughts about support in the future. If for any reason your counsellor cannot continue with the work, you will still work towards an ending and you will be given the opportunity to be referred to a new counsellor if you wish.
Q. Fees for my counselling?
A. Each session for a single person is £50 and for couples is £75. A reduced fee can be discussed and agreed for people on state benefits.
Q. How do I pay?
A. You can pay by cash or cheque in your session or you can arrange to pay electronically.
Q. What if I miss or have to cancel a session?
A. It is important to let your counsellor know as soon as possible if you can’t come to a session. Cancellations within 48 hours of the session needs to be paid. You won’t have to pay if your counsellor cancels sessions at anytime.
Q. What if my circumstances change?
A. If, at any time, your circumstances change, talk it over with your counsellor in the first instance. We will always aim to find a way to enable you to continue your counselling.
Please contact me to discuss any other questions.